The app bills itself as a “safe space” for communication.   The app allows for communication between employers and employees, where employees can anonymously submit comments. In the past, Florida employers used 1800 numbers and hotlines to allow anonymous reporting from employees. Now there is an app for that.  Employers are notified in real time as each message arrives, and the employee receives an auto-reply confirming their message was received.

If you need any assistance in this area, please email or call the Law Office of David Miklas, P.A. at 1-772-465-5111.

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Although this app has applications for sexual harassment, it also could assist employers in other areas, such as wage and hour allegations involving minimum wage and overtime violations.

Companies may set up an account with kendr, and employees are sent an authentication code to activate the app; their  communication is password protected ensuring complete privacy.  The app allows employees to attach pictures or videos and can even translate messages between English and other languages to remove barriers.

Florida businesses have a tool to help employees report workplace problems – even anonymously.

A new app has been launched called kendr, of which Florida businesses are taking note.  It is a platform available on smartphones that allows employees to reach out confidentially to their employer via a “third party” app and website where their questions, suggestions and/or issues can be easily relayed and addressed. 

New app allows employees to report harassment

Law Office of David Miklas, P.A.

Labor & Employment law - Employers only

Although the new kendr app can be used in almost any workplace, certain industries are more likely to adopt this technology, such as hospitality, retail, manufacturing, and tech industries.

Florida business owners and Human Resource professionals can find out more about this app at